Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Villan! Doctor Eggman

Doctor Eggman maybe a villan but is very smart (thats why he is an egghead lol) he has planned to use the power of the chaos emeralds to power up his MACHINES OF DOOM!!! as they become increasingly dangerous and devestating once when he used all 7 HE ALMOST ENDED SONIC but..... In Sonic X Chris saves him by taking the emeralds out and in the other series eggman tried to defeat his friends and then cornered him with his monstrosity...

I still wonder what if Eggman uses the emeralds to destory the world then Sonic well lets not give him ideas btw the picture on the right corner is yellow which means a bit weak the top one is orange meaning TOUGH but the left corner is THE THING THAT KILLED SONIC but like I said Chris saved him by taking out the emeralds  :D

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