Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sonics Friends: Amy, Cream, Cheese and Shadow


She is one of Sonic's friends and she has a crush on him but sonic denys her but her rage is tremendous o he doesnt dare as when amy is mad she brings out her hammer and has fire in her eyes, Amy is an abomination for Sonic but one person who cares about him ALOT, well Chris and the others do so but she is totaly after him for life xD She tends to follow Sonic to the Ends of the Earth and their World and the Entire Universe (Even death xD).

Shadow the Hedgehog

He is one Dr. Robotniks best creations who is almost like sonic now they both pose like Goku and Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z xD, Shadow is very strong and rather skates using air pressure than running unlike sonic and also is master at using Chaos Control which can instantly teleport him making him Superior than sonic but the Author is on Sonic's Side so i guess he is second best now but he defeats sonic in his own game Shadow the Hedgehog avalible on PS2. No then he was found by Dr. Eggman and like bloodlines Dr.Robotniks was the Eggheads Grandfather xD and so he wanted shadow for himself but later for the sake of Maria his best friend who died because of Robotniks he set out against Egghead and is neutral towards sonic as he attacks and sometimes aid sonic making him the most interesting to watch.
Cream and Cheese

Cream the bunny is from Sonics world who just tags along as a travel mate but as usaual sonic doesnt mind and she is cute and sometimes even help and she has a pet Cheese who is from the Chao species (I call em that i forgot :P) they both are the youngest in the Sonic adventures and Cream is also the one who saves sonic (again) from a death robot who was designed to kill sonic and taking power from the chaos emeralds he finds also Cream is unpredictalbe so she defeated the robot cuz he copied moves i would say CHAO CHAO ATTACK .. Move Copying B***ard :P ICE CREAM BOMB!! ON YOUR FACE AS***LE.ROBOTS LIKE OH S*** so cream and cheese are only good to be seen on certain occasions on their works :D

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